Friday, May 6, 2011

Final Day Bottle Rocket Assingment: Post a Blog About Your Final or Most Succesful Launch Due Sunday May 8th

This final blog counts as a test score, 40% of it will come from having successfully launched a rocket for 10 seconds or longer (16 points), the remaining 60% will come from your final blog (24 points)
The final blog needs to contain the following
1. A video of your final and most successful launch.
2. What issues or problems did you encounter during the project.
3. How did these issues and problems affect the performance of your rocket.
4. What did you do to resolve the issues and problems.
5. What was the result of your solutions. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 6 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Complete and Record a 2nd Launch Due Friday, May 6th

1.  Make and digitally record a second video of your rocket being launched.
2.  Post the video to your blog
3.  Post a blog about the second launch.  The blog needs to cover the following.
     a. What changes did you make to your rocket from the first to the second launch.
     b. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why.
     c. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why.
     d. How did your launch compare with your prediction.
     e. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 5 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Complete and Record a Launch Due Tuesday, May 3rd

1.  Make and digitally record a video of your rocket being launched.
2.  Post the video to your blog
3.  Post a blog about the launch.  The blog needs to cover the following.
     a. What were some of the things that were successful with your launch and why.
     b. What were some of the things that were not successful with your launch and why.
     c. How did your launch compare with your prediction.
     d. What are some possible improvements you can make to improve the performance of your rocket.
4. Record flight data about your rocket and include the following
    a. Mass of the rocket empty (no water)
    b. Mass of the rocket full
    c. Total flight time
    d. Time to maximum height
    e. Estimate the maximum height achieved by the rocket

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 4 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Post Images and Blog by Sunday, April 30th

1. Post to your blog the following images
    a. An image of your group building your rocket
    b. An image of the completed rocket
    c. An image of the submitted rocket design
2. Discuss the construction of your rocket and include the following
    a. What where some of the biggest challenges with your construction
    b. What factors did you take into consideration regarding the construction of you rocket (i.e. mass, shape of fins, parachute, etc)
    c.  Make a prediction about how your rocket will perform next week
3. Be prepared to launch your rocket on Monday.  Groups that do not have a complete rocket and have at least one recorded launch will lose points.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 3 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Extra Credit

Extra credit will be awarded for....
1. The first rocket that makes a successful launch
2. The rocket that goes the highest
3. The rocket that spends the longest time in the air

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 2 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Update Blog and Gather Materials

1. Link your blog to mine, and all the other groups in the class
2. Make sure the blog is properly formatted.   Post links in the upper right hand corner of the page
2. Make sure that everything posted, including definitions and materials, are properly cited.
3. Make sure that the material list is correct for the actual materials you will use.
4. Bring your materials, per your list, to class by Thursday, April 21st.
5. Groups that bring in all their listed material and are ready to begin construction by Thursday, April 21st will receive extra credit.
6. Hand in an initial design for your rocket.
6. All materials need to be brought to class and construction started no later than Tuesday, April 26th.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Create Your Blog (Due Thursday, April 20th)

1. Create a blog.
2. Posted on the blog is your group name along with the members of the group.
3. On the blog, create 2 links to a video or website, other than the ones already provided by Mr. Hutchison, that shows how to build and launch a water bottle rocket.
4. Create a link to at least one other group in class
5. On the blog, define the following terms; pressure, psi, center of mass, propulsion, Newtonʻs 1st Law, Newtonʻs 2nd Law, Newtonʻs 3rd Law.
6. Post a list of materials you will need to build your bottle rocket
7. By the end of the period, hand in to Mr. Hutchison, the address of your blog, group name and members of the group.

Getting Started With Your Bottle Rocket Blogs

Steps to get your Blog started.

1)    Create a gmail account if you don’t already have one.
2)    Visit  and sign in under your gmail account
3)    Choose a display name for your water rocket group and choose other options listed and click continue.  
4)    You can edit your team/group profile now by taking and uploading a picture and entering some information about your group.
5)    Go to your Dashboard.  To post your blog, click on the “Create Your Blog Now” tab.
6)    Choose your blog name and URL.  I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR URL IS SO I CAN PUT IT IN MY RECORDS. OTHERWISE I CAN"T ASSESS YOUR BLOG AND THE ONLY GRADE I AM ABLE TO GIVE YOU IS A ZERO.  Also, please remember anyone on the internet can view your blog so be careful how you represent yourself from here on out. 
7)    Check out the design tab to see what you can add to your blog with pictures, videos, links, attachments etc.  Your blogs can be edited. I will be editing this blog of mine for improvement as well.  :)

There is a video bar above linking you to some rocket videos for fun. There is another video bar at the bottom which links up to a uTube account and video I posted some years back. If you uTube, this is a way to get your water rocket videos accessed from your blog page.  I went to the design tab and add gadgets to add the picture and videos.

     Your group is responsible to post a blog update by midnight each day of class.  This is the foundation of your grade for this project.  There will be 4 blog assignments worth 23 points.  Due dates TBA.  In addition there will be one final assessment worth 20 points based on how well your final rocket performs.

Blog Assignment Expectations:
All blog posts should be a minimum of 100 words (no maximum) and will document and detail observations, planning, creation and reasoning as well as your experience in planning, designing and building your water bottle rocket over the project period. Some topics could include:                
  • Observations (what happened during the entire launch procedure)
  • Data on time in the air (keep a running total on all launches and what was on the rocket)           
  • The amount of water measured in ml or Liters in the bottle for the launch
  • The pressure in PSI of the air in the bottle used for the launch
  • Discussion of physics concepts involved with the launch such as Newton's Laws and center of gravity.
  • The materials used on your bottle rocket
  • Design ideas and their function
  • What are the resources of information for you design ideas
  • What worked
  • Next Steps in designs based on your launch data
  • Troubleshooting
  • Additional launches
You should also add multimedia content like pictures, videos, and links to the site to your blog to help to document your experience for full credit.

It is also required that you visit other group blogs and begin conversation and comments in order to support our water bottle learning community. Failure to comment on other blogs will result in a lowering of your grade.  The rubrics and assessment expectations can be found on Blackboard under Unit 11 Bottle Rockets.  I provided a link to Blackboard to the right on this page.