Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1 Bottle Rocket Assignment: Create Your Blog (Due Thursday, April 20th)

1. Create a blog.
2. Posted on the blog is your group name along with the members of the group.
3. On the blog, create 2 links to a video or website, other than the ones already provided by Mr. Hutchison, that shows how to build and launch a water bottle rocket.
4. Create a link to at least one other group in class
5. On the blog, define the following terms; pressure, psi, center of mass, propulsion, Newtonʻs 1st Law, Newtonʻs 2nd Law, Newtonʻs 3rd Law.
6. Post a list of materials you will need to build your bottle rocket
7. By the end of the period, hand in to Mr. Hutchison, the address of your blog, group name and members of the group.

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