Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting Started With Your Bottle Rocket Blogs

Steps to get your Blog started.

1)    Create a gmail account if you don’t already have one.
2)    Visit www.blogger.com  and sign in under your gmail account
3)    Choose a display name for your water rocket group and choose other options listed and click continue.  
4)    You can edit your team/group profile now by taking and uploading a picture and entering some information about your group.
5)    Go to your Dashboard.  To post your blog, click on the “Create Your Blog Now” tab.
6)    Choose your blog name and URL.  I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR URL IS SO I CAN PUT IT IN MY RECORDS. OTHERWISE I CAN"T ASSESS YOUR BLOG AND THE ONLY GRADE I AM ABLE TO GIVE YOU IS A ZERO.  Also, please remember anyone on the internet can view your blog so be careful how you represent yourself from here on out. 
7)    Check out the design tab to see what you can add to your blog with pictures, videos, links, attachments etc.  Your blogs can be edited. I will be editing this blog of mine for improvement as well.  :)

There is a video bar above linking you to some rocket videos for fun. There is another video bar at the bottom which links up to a uTube account and video I posted some years back. If you uTube, this is a way to get your water rocket videos accessed from your blog page.  I went to the design tab and add gadgets to add the picture and videos.

     Your group is responsible to post a blog update by midnight each day of class.  This is the foundation of your grade for this project.  There will be 4 blog assignments worth 23 points.  Due dates TBA.  In addition there will be one final assessment worth 20 points based on how well your final rocket performs.

Blog Assignment Expectations:
All blog posts should be a minimum of 100 words (no maximum) and will document and detail observations, planning, creation and reasoning as well as your experience in planning, designing and building your water bottle rocket over the project period. Some topics could include:                
  • Observations (what happened during the entire launch procedure)
  • Data on time in the air (keep a running total on all launches and what was on the rocket)           
  • The amount of water measured in ml or Liters in the bottle for the launch
  • The pressure in PSI of the air in the bottle used for the launch
  • Discussion of physics concepts involved with the launch such as Newton's Laws and center of gravity.
  • The materials used on your bottle rocket
  • Design ideas and their function
  • What are the resources of information for you design ideas
  • What worked
  • Next Steps in designs based on your launch data
  • Troubleshooting
  • Additional launches
You should also add multimedia content like pictures, videos, and links to the site to your blog to help to document your experience for full credit.

It is also required that you visit other group blogs and begin conversation and comments in order to support our water bottle learning community. Failure to comment on other blogs will result in a lowering of your grade.  The rubrics and assessment expectations can be found on Blackboard under Unit 11 Bottle Rockets.  I provided a link to Blackboard to the right on this page.

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